(632) 8-7887928 or 0915-7068046
We provide internal audit services to organisations to give owners, management and investors the assurance that corporate risks are effectively managed.
We provide the necessary support to ensure that the internal audit activity adds value and improves the organization’s operations.
A. Internal Audit Outsourcing and Co-sourcing ​
We can provide the personnel, methodology and resources to implement all or a portion of your audit engagements.
B. Establishing an Internal Audit Department
We can guide you in setting up your internal audit department. We can provide the tools, training and advice in building the capability of the department and its personnel.
C. Internal Audit Transformation
We can deliver effective solutions to transform your existing internal audit department from a traditional approach to a more proactive risk-based approach that meets or exceeds stakeholders' expectations.
D. Quality Assurance Review Advisory
We can provide internal and external quality assurance to ensure that the internal audit department complies with international standards and adds value to the organization.